2.1.2. Market Research

Market Research & Addressable Market

Market research on companies developing Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies has been conducted internally. The technology fields taken into account are the A.I., Internet of Things (IoT), cloud services, robotics, drones, nanotechnology, biotechnology including genetic engineering, autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence. All of these technologies have raised the interests of investors in recent years, as their application will offer new optimization opportunities to companies and help create new business models, services, and products.

The research concluded that the total addressable market in 2020 was worth USD 1.82 trillion. An average annual growth rate of 26,78% is expected over the next six years for all of the aforementioned technology fields.

These figures do not include all companies that will be using these technologies in their own products and services, but only those that are developing the technologies themselves. The potential addressable market should therefore exceed the presented figures significantly. As most companies will become Fourth Industrial Revolution companies in the future, we believe they will be interested in joining BlockchainValley one way or another.

All the references used in the context of these research can be found in Annex 1.

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