Referrals GET 4IR

Participate in our 4IR Token Presale & BlockchainValley Initiative through Viral Loops

Participate in Our 4IR Token Presale & BlockchainValley Initiative through Viral Loops.

How it Works:

Refer friends and acquaintances to our 4IR Token Presale and BlockchainValley Initiative using our Viral Loops platform. Earn additional 4IR Tokens by achieving various milestones displayed on our referral page.

Quick Start Guide:

  1. Visit Viral Loops Page: Navigate to our Viral Loops Page here:

  2. Enter Your Details: Complete the form in 2-3 minutes.

  3. Share Your Link: After verification, you'll receive a unique link. We recommend sharing via WhatsApp for quick and viral distribution.

  4. Utilize Social Media: Alternatively, click on the social media icons on our Viral Loops page to share instantly.


Reach milestones to earn 4IR Airdrops, deposited directly into your wallet at the end of the 2-week 4IR Token Presale. The 4IR Tokens earned through the referral campaign will be distributed as follows: 50 % at the end of the presale then the other 50% locked for 12 months and distributed at the rate of 12.5% over 4 months thereafter to prevent dumping.

Additional Tools:

4IR Token Calculator

Last updated